Truth & Reconciliation » Truth & Reconciliation

Truth & Reconciliation

Broadview School has always had close ties to First Nations communities that lie to the north of the town of Broadview.  We believe that learning about the cultures within our school, community and country is part of our mission statement:  "Learning and Growing Together".  According to the Calls of Action 62 to 65, we continue to build relationships with these communities, including our continued partnership with Chief Kahkewistahaw Community School.  
Through this we have done professional development as educators to learn about how to implement First Nations learning and land-based learning into our Broadview classrooms.  We continue to develop activities through Orange Shirt Day, meeting with Elders and Knowledge Carriers, and attending Chief Kahkewistahaw Community School through activities with their students.  
Below is a collection of pictures that showcases that learning and activities that we've done in the past: